A Passion For Helping Family Law Clients

Most people are unaware of all the legalities surrounding a divorce, but Elissa Greenspoon can help you develop and produce a plan to deal with any issues that occur with the dissolution of a marriage, including but not limited to, alimony, child support, custody and distribution of marital property. With over 37 years of Family Law experience, you can be confident that she will assist you through each and every detail of your case.
If you are facing divorce, Greenspoon & Greenspoon is here to help you navigate the road ahead. We encourage you to schedule a free initial consultation. We will take the time to understand your unique situation and offer advice and options tailored to your needs and those of your family. Your emotional needs and those of your children are always given special attention. Matters that we handle include:
Child support
Division of Property
Domestic Violence
Grandparent visitation